Marketing & Advertising Consulting in a Consumer to Business World

Our goal is to give you the chance to have a marketing director on-call at an affordable cost and without the overhead of having someone on staff. If you just need a little marketing advice or a comprehensive and customized multi-channel marketing plan that adjusts based on business goals, ROI, sales, seasons, industry trends, etc.… we can help.

Each marketing consulting program is 100% customized for each business and can include services such as:

  • Start-up plan based on your business’s goals
  • We can assist with helping you set goals if needed
  • Competition Analysis
  • Best of business watch list and analysis
  • Budget assessments based on ROI, impact, and engagement
  • Return on investment study
  • Cross promotion optimization plan
  • Customer journey evaluation (In-Store & Online)
  • Marketing & advertising evaluation, comparison, and translation (Digital, Print, TV, Radio, etc)
  • Marketing & advertising coordination with vendors & partners
  • Changes with sales, plans, artwork, social, events, contests, etc
  • Coordination of management and staff in marketing efforts
  • Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly evaluation meetings

No matter your marketing needs, we are here to support you and help you make educated marketing and advertising decisions that give your business the best chance for success.