Mixing Politics and Business: The Pros, Cons, and Facebook Advertising Rules for This Election Year

Business owners often face a tough decision on whether to mix politics with their brand. The impact can be significant, both positively and negatively.


  • Engaging Customers: Aligning with certain values can deepen customer loyalty.
  • Brand Differentiation: Taking a stand can distinguish your business in a crowded market.


  • Alienation Risk: You risk losing customers with opposing views.
  • Reputation Damage: Political stances may overshadow your product or service.


Election Year Rules

Platforms like Facebook enforce strict advertising regulations during election years. For instance, there’s a restriction period for political ads, requiring businesses to comply with transparency rules and limits on ad targeting. Ensure your ads follow these policies to avoid disruptions. For more details, check Facebook’s Election Ad Guidance.

What Can You Post

Here are some “Switzerland” election posts that businesses can use to encourage voting without taking a political stance:

  1. “Your Voice Matters”:
    “Voting is a privilege and an important way to have your voice heard. No matter where you stand, make sure to cast your vote this election!”
  2. “Celebrate Democracy”:
    “Voting is the heart of democracy. Let’s come together and celebrate this important right. Don’t forget to vote!”
  3. “Your Civic Duty”:
    “Voting is not just a right, it’s a responsibility. Exercise your civic duty and make sure your vote counts this election.”
  4. “Freedom to Vote”:
    “The freedom to vote is one of our nation’s most valuable rights. Take part in this democratic process and make your voice count.”

You may have to police posts should there be a comment about either side, but overall, general reminders to vote can be a nice way to connect to your community and clients.

The Bottom Line

Unless your business truly depends on the outcome of an election, it would probably behoove your brand to stay neutral in all social media posts. Remember that even if a social media post gets deleted, it still lives on forever, somewhere on the Internet.