Facebook: What’s New in the New Look

Some of you may have already noticed that Facebook got quite the facelift recently. There’s a new design for Facebook’s page, which is being referred to as FB5, and things are moved around and found in different places. We are going to take you through all of the new features we found, including the dark mode option!

One of the biggest changes to FB5 that many notice right away is the new design. There is more white space and a cleaner look. The Facebook logo is also slightly different with a lighter blue background. One of the features that many will love with this new design is that you can choose to use Dark Mode! You can easily toggle back and forth from the drop-down next to your name.

If you have a business page on Facebook (and if you don’t, see our blog about why you need one) your settings are now on the left side of your page, instead of at the top. We think this makes it easier because everything you could need for editing your page is conveniently located on the left now.

Facebook page settings on the old Facebook.

New Facebook page settings menu.

The top navigation is different now with where your Facebook profile picture is, where you can find your handle, and a convenient button to “View as Visitor” right out in the open.
The optimal size for your Facebook Cover Photo is 940 x 352 pixels. There are some things to keep in mind when picking your cover photo. The new Facebook has rounded corners, the profile picture slightly covers up a bottom part of the cover, and there’s a slight gradient at the bottom of the cover photo. Make sure to have these in mind when creating or editing your new Facebook cover photo. Your Facebook profile picture should be 132 x 132 pixels. This is still the standard circle from Facebook, but it is seen lower and to the left of the cover photo on the new Facebook.

How the top of your page is displayed on the new Facebook.

How the top of your page looked like on the old Facebook.

FB5 also shows your page insights right away. You can see the people reached, post engagements, and post likes, with percentages of how you normally trend. You can change this to just show yesterday, the last 7 days, or the last 28 days.

Underneath the insights is where you now see all of your About information, including how many people like and follow your page.

Insights shows right on your page with the new Facebook.

On FB5, they wanted to place more of an emphasis on groups and events. Some may have noticed that the new mobile version has a new tab at the bottom that takes you through a news feed that are posts from all of the groups you are in. The new FB5 is rumored to do the same as well. We will keep you updated with new features that we find. We are excited to see how the groups and events play an even larger role in Facebook.

Old look of the about section.

New look of about section.

If you need any help with Facebook or any areas of your marketing, please contact us. We would love to learn more about you and your business!