What is Targeted Digital Advertising?

Targeted Digital Advertising is identifying, locating, and putting your ad in front of only your desired customers. We’ll work to uncover your target audience and objectives and then develop a campaign and content that’s on-brand and on-target.

Why Would Your Business Need Targeted Digital Advertising?

Do you have your ideal target audience in your mind? You know their ages, interests, and areas they might live in. That’s great. Or maybe you have no idea, but you do know that you want to show ads to an audience that would respond well to your services or products. As a full-service digital marketing agency, True Fit Marketing will help research your business, products, services, and competition to learn who and what your ideal audience is, what they like, and what they are searching for.

Many people can feel overwhelmed by the word advertising because they assume that it will cost them a lot of money. We work hard to create campaigns that are built around your goals as well as your budget. We strive to make advertising scalable and attainable.

Targeted Digital Advertising is just that, targeted. We don’t just blast your ad to whoever and wherever we can. The targets we look for are age ranges, gender, location, and interests. We also make sure that the style of the display ad matches your business and appeals to your audience. With pay per click ads, we match the text to the ad, sale, promotion, whatever we are running to generate more clicks.

Nowadays when you scroll through Google, you will be shown ads first before organic search results. These ads are pay per click or text ads. We will work to curate keywords that fit for your business that will go with the ads and that will help your ads appear to people who are searching for these keywords. The text of the ads will also help to rank your website on Google. The link that the user clicks on will take them to a landing page that is about what the ad showcases or is about. People want instant results. They don’t want to have to browse through your site to find what they are looking for.

For display ads, we design the ads for you and send them to you for your feedback and final say. Most often, the ads are promoting something within your business, whether it’s a sale or a hiring event, and we will tailor your ads to this particular promotion.

If a person finds their way to your website for the next 30 days, they will see an ad from you again three times, at most. This is called Remarketing. Remarketing keeps your business front of mind to people who have already done some research on you.

We’re Here When You Need Us!

We know that you have a lot on your plate with running your business. That’s why True Fit Marketing is here to help you with Targeted Digital Advertising. Reach out to us today to see what it would take to get your business started with this service.

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